Believer’s 911 Prayers
Ever been desperate for an answer from God? I have. Sometimes I wish there was a 911 option on my line to heaven. And I believe there is. That’s the reason I’m writing a devotion book called Believer’s 911 Prayers. There are dozens of people in the Bible who experienced desperate circumstances and cried out to Almighty God for his answers. Their stories give us keys for reaching God and finding His answers when He is our only option.
My new book is projected to contain 40 devotions with such names as “When Life Is As Bad As It Can Get, And It’s All Your Fault” (Jonah), “When There’s Not Enough Money To Pay The Bills” (Widow who came to Elisha), “When Your Past Catches Up With You” (Jacob before meeting Esau). It will be a wonderful resource to have in your own use, for libraries and as a gift to someone facing a crisis.
August 13-16 I’ll be at the Oregon Christian Writers Summer Conference, meeting editors and agents to stir up interest in this new project. My book isn’t completely written yet, but be sure to check back on this site for its progress.
Glad you enjoyed it.