No More Excuses
The drive to Oregon Christian Writers one day conference from Portland to Salem was easy, but I forgot to get proper directions to the college where it was being held. Around and around I went. When I finally found the location, the correct parking lot, and right entrance, I was late. I grabbed my name tag at the registration desk and hurried toward the events hall.
“Lord,” I begged, “Show me why I’m here. I’ve attended so many of these sessions. I know the information. It’s practicing it that is difficult.”
I opened the door and stopped short. On the platform was a writer I had seen before who is challenged by cerebral palsy. Her speech is labored and difficult to understand. She can only type with two or three fingers, and yet she is called to write. And she does.
At this event she sat on her scooter beaming as someone else read her talk. She told of her struggles with discouragement and God’s continued assurances that He has called her. She rejoiced that He has now provided someone to type for her. And I stood and cried—deeply touched. There was no doubt. I knew why I was there. With her determination to write regardless of difficulties, who was I to be discouraged. You may visit her blog site:
As if He needed to drive in the point, God spoke to me again through a friend who had a stroke a couple of years ago. Sue attends a Bible study that I also attend. She comes with a helper. Though she can walk, she walks so very slowly.
We had completed a series of studies, so there was an opportunity to share about how our lives were impacted. Sue stood and very slowly walked forward. We waited, some went for an extra cup of coffee as, with great effort, she made her way to the microphone. She shared about how the ladies have blessed her life. We blessed her? We are the ones blessed. I felt so humbled—as if I needed to sit at her feet and learn from her.
These two dear women taught me a new respect for those who struggle to do things I consider common place, like type a blog or walk across the floor. And as long as I can express myself, I have no excuse for not sharing God’s truth with a thirsty world.
What a beautiful message to start my day. I am one week removed from a final divorce my 15 yr old son and I have just settled into a 2 br 1 bath apartment from a 4 bedroom3 bath house just a short time ago. My 11 yr old daughter stats with her mom so I have had a long of up and down feelings going on
This message today of truly courageous people was just what I needed to hear to lift my spirit and begin to move forward with a new life trusting more in God each day. As I look back at recent events I see he has been watching over me and y family the entire time. Thank you
Thank you, Bill for sharing. May God be with you through these tough times.
Geneva Iijima
I was blessed by your meditation on The Upper Room Site. I am a grandmother who cares for a grandson. I gain inspiration just watching him play. He too does not always follow directions the first time, but he such a blessing to me. At 48, I had a stroke with him standing right beside me. We both knocked on my bedroom door trying to get my daughter’s attention. I believe that God has called me to write, even though my fingers get tired. My walking is slow and wobbly. My balance is off and standing for long periods of time is exhausting. However, I can going.