Good news about Torch of Courage is that I’ve talked with a couple of editors about it. Both are interested, and the preferred one is moving my proposal through the process. While I await their decision, I’m checking out other options, as well.
To refresh your memory, Torch of Courage, Courageous Rescuers of WWII, tells the story of fifteen heroes, mostly under 30, who risked everything to follow their consciences. They did not sit idly by as Hitler marched into country after country, sent the Jews to concentration camps, and exterminated the physically and mentally disabled. These heroes lost careers, torture or death awaited some, however, all of them chose to carry the torch of courage and truth for future generations.
Though I wanted Torch of Courage published sooner, God’s timing is best. I’m seeing it’s needed most in this time, as youth face challenges they never did before. So, keep cheering me on.
Geneva, that is awesome news! Won’t be long now that the potential publisher has the manuscript that they realize what a timely and needed nook this is.!! That anyone can be a hero. Also, giving hope in such a time when it is time to stand for what is right and resist tyranny.
I am so excited for this great book to be published! I feel blessed to have read the stories in critique group and to have shared them with my teenage sons who know the power of walking in faith and truth from your words. I am forever grateful how your words have touched my family into the future. Yes! Amazing stories of hope and strength in needed times.
Thanks so much, Amy, for this glowing testimony. It isn’t often that authors hear of how what they wrote changed lives. You’ve let me know that Torch of Courage has touched your sons’ lives even before it’s published.
Looking forward to reading this, Geneva!